Post Black Lives Matter FM Podcast Black Lives Matter FM Integra Copia questo codice per integrare il player sul tuo sito web. Personalizza Nascondi l’onda sonora Nascondi il titolo Mostra i pulsanti dei social media Mostra il link di condivisione Mostra la descrizione Anteprima ORANGE 94.0 Logging 2017-06-13 19:00 45:36 1 ore 00 sec. Black Lives Matter 1 ore 00 sec. Black Lives Matter 1 ore 00 sec. Black Lives Matter 1 ore 00 sec. BLACK LIVES MATTER FM: “Africans are capable of looking after themselves.” 1 ore 00 sec. BLACK LIVES MATTER FM: Europe - Terror As Usual 1 ore 00 sec. Black Lives Matter: Kenya Supreme Court decided to cancel result of the Presidential election: A joke without joking. 1 ore 00 sec. Black Lives Matter: Italy vs. Austria Part 2 or Penalties for Self-Proclaimed Rescuers in the Mediterranean Sea 59:59 min. BLACK LIVES MATTER FM: The electoral question in DRC and the links with state-building issues 1 ore 00 sec. Black Lives Matter FM: Trump, an opportunity to dodge the US Supremacy on the world. 1 ore 00 sec. Black Lives Matter FM: Burqa ban, Mass killings - “The scars are brutally deep and exposed for all to see.” Tutti Post Proprietario del file multimediale Radio Icap Clicca per l’e-mail Vai al profilo utente Stazione Orange 94.0 Prodotto 13. Giugno 2017 Pubblicato 24. Luglio 2017 Argomenti Società Lingue Inglese, Francese, Tedesco Mostra il materiale di terzi Segnala il post