“We Claim The Stage”

Radio Grille
  • ORANGE 94.0 Logging 2018-01-17 18:00
57:00 Min.
Das wird nie wieder gut - Museum der Untröstlichkeit
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Trans*, inter*, nonbinary und queer im Sport
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Wir machen unsere eigene Feiertage
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The good of 2023
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Sonic Memories - Gedanken verschicken damals
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Coping Fantasies
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MUSIMIG - Selbsthistorisierung, In- und Exklusion
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Interview mit Deniz and Dilan vom Projekt “Das Goldene Buch”
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Radio Grille – Queering Sommer Tunes II
1 Std. 00 Sek.
Radio Grille - Queer Sommer Tunes

Ivona, Sara & Eva from the band ŽEN talk about their new album Sunčani ljudi (sunny people), writing songs, independent labels, self-confidence, d.i.y., professionalism and ‚playing with my eyes closed‘.

together with Aurora from Vienna’s queer-feminist label UNRECORDS



„We all have to be octopuses“

about handling all their equipment on stage


„We just felt like ‚that’s it'“

about cooperation with UNRECORDS


„Immidiately we knew we love this band“

Aurora, unrecords


„Don’t touch my cables“

about how to speak with sound technicians


„That’s the good way to end up beeing chauvinistic and sexist by asuming you know better“

about disrepectful behavour


„…and give up 80% of your rights for 20 years“

about major labels


„We value this culture of d.i.y. and helping each other“

about indipendent labels


„Sunčani is when the sun shines on you…“

about the title of the new album Sunčani ljudi (sunny people)


„There are gathered people with a nicer energy“

about the island Brač


„This year the focus will be on the bands of the record labels bosses“

Aurora, unrecords


„We built up confidence with time“

about claiming the stage and knowing what you want


„We built up confidence with time“

about claiming the stage and knowing what you want


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