My headscarf is challenging me

Globale Dialoge – Women on Air
  • Women with head scarf
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Muslim women are obliged to wear a Hijab that covers their head and body well in Islam.

If they do not wear a hijab or headscarf, they are considered as a bad person, who broke the  rules of Allah and they face prejudice in the Muslim societies  and their families.

Muslim women from Arab and African countries are struggling to adapt or fit in to the lifes of communities that they came to whose are  maybe culturally and religiously  different.

Most of the refugee and immigrant women who wear Hijab or head scarf in Austria  cannot get jobs because they are different from other non-Muslim women, and they experience challenges while they are in education or looking for jobs.

Some of them say that they are disappointed after getting  a lot of negative decisions  from job interviews and they end up giving up from their dream jobs because of the way they look or what they wear regardless of their qualifications  and degrees!

On this show we talked  to 4 women, who wear headscarf from Syria and Somalia. They shared with us their stories and the difficulties  that they go through while looking for jobs.

This show is produced by Sara Abd El Magid and Hamdi Abdullahi

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