Objava Chapter 10: Back in Waldisthal, where you weigh more than you think Podcast Otherwards Integrirati Kopiraj ovaj kod za integriranje sustava za reprodukciju u svoju internetsku stranicu. Prilagoditi Sakrij valni oblik Sakrij naslov Prikaži tipke društvenih mreža Prikaži poveznicu za dijeljenje Prikaži opis Pregled Chapter10_BackInWaldisthalWhereYouWeighMoreThanYouThink 61:38 1 sati 44:29 min Chapter 20: You can't delete something with a Name 56:00 min Chapter 19: Exit through the Blacksmith 59:57 min Chapter 18: A quiet quartet marching in the marshes 57:58 min Chapter 17: When the soil breathes, fly downwards! 59:41 min Chapter 16: The water 57:24 min Chapter 15: The rain and the archive 1 sati 01:32 min Chapter 14: Ridlis and the sun come to Elhouazat 59:00 min Chapter 13: The two of you on the carpet 1 sati 04:39 min Chapter 12: Sensual rhythms and sexual cats 1 sati 01:13 min Chapter 11: Two daystars in Elhouazat Sve Objave Vlasnik medija Irina Lucia Klikni za e-poštu Na korisnički profil Stanica CR 94.4 - Campus & City Radio St. Pölten Producirano 13. svibnja 2020 Objavljeno 13. svibnja 2020 Emitirano 08. svibnja 2020, 12:00 Uređivači Irina Lucia Hablecker Teme Kultura Literatura Oznake Fantasy Literatur Jezici Engleski Prikaži materijal treće strane Prijavi objavu