Why is Hofer so afraid of the Qur’an? is he right about it???

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  • why do Hofer fear Quran??? is Hofer right about the holy Book of Muslims?
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Today’s episode addresses the head of the Freedom Party in Austria, who believes that the Koran is more dangerous than corona
In this episode, we will analyze whether the Qur’an is more dangerous than corona
Why did Hofer choose this particular time to talk about the Qur’an?
Why is Hofer so afraid of the Qur’an?

0 Kommentare

  1. I think you are totally right but you are a bit downplaying some problematic parts, like the sunnah which is an essential part of the islamic system, using the phrase „real” muslims (a lot of muslims will maybe accuse you of bidah or shirk), womens suppression, homophobia, apostasy laws (which are explained in hadiths and tafseers) etc.

    And the claim that rocket science and other miracle stuff can be found in the quran is a bit speculation in my opinion. Could you show me where you found that?


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