KulturTon: Peace and Conflict Studies Project in Iraq

  • 2020_07_02_kt_peace_studies_iraq
28:59 Min.
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What does it mean to teach Peace and Conflict Studies in Iraq? This is a main question of the Research Project that has been developed by various partners in Innsbruck and Iraq. These partners are the Iraqi Al Amal Association, the United Nations Development Programm, nine Universities across Iraq, the Iraqi Ministery for Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Unit for Peace and Conflict Studies in Innsbruck. This Research Project has been established in times where people go on the street and protest against a corrupt government.

Interlocutors: Peace and Conflict Researcher and University Assistant Adham Hamed of the University of Innsbruck, Student Assistant Alba Losert of the University of Innsbruck as well as Dr. Sanaa Lazim, Professor of Drama and Theatre at the College of Arts at the University of Bagdad and Researcher on Peace and Conflict in Bagdad.

More on this:

Daniela Ingruber: Irak 2020: Die Zivilbevölkerung wacht auf. Vom Westen im Stich gelassen, ist man hier gewohnt, immer wieder von vorne zu beginnen. Online unter: https://www.uibk.ac.at/peacestudies/news/research/irak-2020-die-zivilbevoelkerung-wacht-auf.html.en

Unit for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Innsbruck

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