12. Electric Ladyland

Irina’s Special Mixtape
  • Electric Ladyland
59:50 мин.
28. A Pinch of Salt
59:50 мин.
27. Sky
59:13 мин.
26. Ice Form
59:16 мин.
25. Cantos de Inti Illimani
59:28 мин.
24. Coyote Meets Lion
59:47 мин.
23. Twists and Turns
59:02 мин.
22. From the Days Before
59:01 мин.
21. The Inappropriate Show
59:21 мин.
20. Revolutionizing
59:45 мин.
19. Lift Off

Where should I begin? First, it’s Hendrix. Second, it’s «Electric Ladyland», the last, weirdest and, according to my own taste, best album to come out of the Band of Gypsies. It’s also the album I would listen to in my walkman (it was the first «original» tape I had bought with my own allowance, brochure and all) while walking them mountain paths and/or park alleys. The same Hendrix that had awakened the first wet dreams through sheer guitar would spark the doubt about the fairness of it all, about freedom, the true kind and about love.

Due to timing circumstances and not only, I did take the liberty to re-arrange the tracks, if only to underline the originality of this last Hendrix album. For instance, the «1983…» one makes me want to learn how to code and prog and bring life to a whole new game. One where people just live underwater and the mother ship finally comes, but by then they’ve been consumed by second-hand-wishes and so we go on.

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