21. The Inappropriate Show

Irina’s Special Mixtape
  • The Inappropriate Show
59:50 min
28. A Pinch of Salt
59:50 min
27. Sky
59:13 min
26. Ice Form
59:16 min
25. Cantos de Inti Illimani
59:28 min
24. Coyote Meets Lion
59:47 min
23. Twists and Turns
59:02 min
22. From the Days Before
59:21 min
20. Revolutionizing
59:45 min
19. Lift Off

As the title triggers, this one is to be taken with a bit of salt: it’s about humor, laughing in the face of the storm if you will, taken at face value and all that. However, it’s one of the few playlists that really makes me happy, no trace of sadness/guilt/inadequacy, I just feel like genuinely frolicking in some field of some flowers, rather like a dog or some other animal. Right here and now, when tyrants and wanna-be dictators use this very power of the freedom of speech to muck and suck peoples’ minds, I find it therefore more important to remember that words are just that and can be jested with and upon.

Punk names like NOFX, alternative ones like Deadeye Dick and even Ezra Furman are pretty much classics when it comes to saying it out right, as are the Beastie Boys and the relentless Randy Newman. Eclectic as it is, there’s a thread of sovereignty, of owning your shit that is, throughout these mock-songs. That’s what makes them so invigorating, I find, their innocence in the honesty.




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