03 David Livingstone Smith speaks about dehumanization, human nature, race and ideology

Stimmen Politischer Philosophie / Voices in Political Philosophy
  • David Livingstone Leire Urricelqui
38:34 min
08 Moussa Bourekba on Violent Radicalization and Terrorism
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07 Stephan Moebius spricht über die Ideengeschichte gesellschaftskritischer Soziologie
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06 Debra Benita Shaw speaks about architecture for ideal bodies and the politics of monsters in posturban spaces
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05 Johanna Rolshoven spricht über politische Anthropologie, Architektur, Mobilität und das Heroische
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04 Ángela Bermúdez and Irene Gantxegi on historical, literary narratives, and political violence
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02 Robert Pfaller spricht über Sprachkunst, Witze und Entmündigung
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01 Elisabeth Holzleithner spricht über Polizeigewalt, Sexarbeit und die Ehe

David Livingstone Smith is professor of philosophy at the University of New England. His research focuses on dehumanization, human nature, race, ideology, and moral psychology. He participates widely in both academic and non-academic settings, and was awarded in 2012 with the Anisfield-Wolf award for non-fiction. He was also a speaker at the 2012 G20 Economic Summit at Los Cabos, Mexico, where he spoke on dehumanization and mass violence.

Moderation: Leire Urricelqui Ramos

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