Sendung 05: Interplays – Episode 2

Art4Science – Kinderkrebsforschung und Kunst
  • Sendung 05: Interplays - Episode 2
15:00 min.
Singing out of the Box
30:00 min.
Art4Science spezial: "Mit Kunst an Bord kann Forschung ..."
30:00 min.
Sendung 8a: Dem Täter auf der Spur ...
30:00 min.
Sendung 08: Tracking down the Culprit ...
30:00 min.
Art4Science spezial: Ein Projekt und sein Audiomodul
30:00 min.
Sendung 07: Der Stoff, aus dem die Zellen sind
30:00 min.
Sendung 05a: Wechselwirkungen - Eposide 2
30:00 min.
Sendung 06: Digitale Gemeinsamkeiten
30:00 min.
Sendung 04a: Wechselwirkungen - Eposide 1

MON, 3rd May 2021, 4.00 pm: The Art4Science-trio Eleni, Heinrich and Bela continue their conversation stroll together with the radio team in order to find the „story“, the „narrative“ focussing their common project. The imagination of a blackbox or a labyrinth could be one of the sceneries where cancer cells would disseminate and metastasize. Is it a quiet microscopic world where that happens or are there sounds – like flowing water, traffic noises or even music? The team talks about the creation of an artistic language for processes caused by cancer cells. A transition of those processes into different enviroments would open new perspectives, and later on, when they are brought back to reality, we may learn something by this. For example, the square root of „-1“ doesn’t exist, but it’s possible to find a irrational number (called „i“) for it and by those irrational projections more calculations are possible in a real world context. So, all starts with speculations, that leads to hypotheses and, at last, to research. It’s important to find the right balance when using speculative thinking. But finally, scientific information should be evidence-based. – For listening to the first episode of ‚Interplays‘, klick here.

Eleni Tomazou and Heinrich Kovar are scientists at the St. Anna Children’s Cancer Research Institute (CCRI), Bela Borsodi is a photographer and artist in New York and Vienna. The project Art4Science enables the scientists of St. Anna Children’s Cancer Research Institute to develop a specific method of collaboration, by working with artists of different fields. In order to present scientific processes and research works in an innovative way, the artists will create music pieces, visual works of art and fashion collections as well. To provide the public with first-hand information, the meetings will be documented in radio shows and podcast recordings.

The broadcasting was recorded and produced by Evelyn Blumenau and Walter Kreuz.



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