Talk 44: Pedriatic Cancer – Epigenome, DNA and more – Part 2

Art4Science – Kinderkrebsforschung und Kunst
  • Pedriatic Cancer - Epigenome, DNA and more - Part 2
15:00 min.
Singing out of the Box
30:00 min.
Art4Science spezial: "Mit Kunst an Bord kann Forschung ..."
30:00 min.
Sendung 8a: Dem Täter auf der Spur ...
30:00 min.
Sendung 08: Tracking down the Culprit ...
30:00 min.
Art4Science spezial: Ein Projekt und sein Audiomodul
30:00 min.
Sendung 07: Der Stoff, aus dem die Zellen sind
30:00 min.
Sendung 05a: Wechselwirkungen - Eposide 2
30:00 min.
Sendung 06: Digitale Gemeinsamkeiten
30:00 min.
Sendung 04a: Wechselwirkungen - Eposide 1
30:00 min.
Sendung 05: Interplays – Episode 2

At their meeting in May 2021, the microbiologist Eleni and the artist Ruth come together for a talk about their different working fields. Eleni speaks about the epigenome of pedriatic cancer, about tumor environments, about the Ewing Sarkoma and (in generall) about young people who are faced with that diagnosis. Then they speak about difficulties to explain scientific content in an comprehensible way, and, step by step, about the methaphor „party“ in order to describe the „behaviour of cancer cells“ (unfortunatly, some parts of Ruth’a and Eleni’s conversation were recorded in windy areas, so that the podcast team had to shorten some episodes of the talks).

Eleni Tomazou is a scientist at the St. Anna Children’s Cancer Research Institute (CCRI), Ruth Mateus-Berr is a artist and professor at the Universität für Angewandte Kunst in Vienna. The project Art4Science enables the scientists of St. Anna Children’s Cancer Research Institute to develop a specific method of collaboration, by working with artists of different fields. In order to present scientific processes and research works in an innovative way, the artists will create music pieces, visual works of art and fashion collections as well. To provide the public with first-hand information, the meetings will be documented in radio shows and podcast recordings.


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