Mandatory live zu Gast bei lAud

  • Mandatory@lAud
59:49 perc
lAud 24. Juli 2012
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Von einem Internetversandhaus wurde die neu erscheinende EP „Cataclysm” der Linzer death/trash Metal Band Mandatory bereits mit dem Prädikat „explicit” ausgezeichnet bei lAud warfen wir ein Ohr auf diese EP und ein anderes auf Mandatory selbst!

„MANDATORY is a progressive death / thrash metal band from Linz / Austria.
After releasing their critically acclaimed 4-track EP “Concept of Chaos” in 2006, the band introduced Mike Schedelberger as new lead vocalist in late 2008. While touring the country the following year, MANDATORY began writing and self-producing songs for their debut album “CARBON BLACK” which the band celebrated with a successful release show in November 2009. Vocalist Mike soon realized he had different musical ambitions and quit the band in early 2010. Fortunately the band quickly found a replacement in the long time friend and fan of the band Max Hundsberger.

It didn’t take them long to show what they can accomplish with this lineup: In 2011 they won the Austrian Bandcontest feat. International Live Award! Currently Mandatory is working on their new album, which will be released in 2012.”

Noch mehr Infos zur Band gibt es auch HIER

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