Summer talk about the non-profit association “Green Steps” with Knut Wimberger and Joss Hamza

  • Sommertalk_green steps_Knut Wimberger_ Joss Hamza
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Connecting people with nature

If you want to find out about a nonprofit association that has the mission to connect people to nature with innovative methods, than this talk will be of great interest to you. The association is called “Green Steps” and has offices in Shanghai, St. Pölten and Seoul. The association for education in harmony with nature was founded in 2017 in Shanghai by Knut Wimberger. As a local and regional non-profit organization, Green Steps offers experiential learning in nature and a training program for nature educators. The non-profit organization’s interests include botany and zoology, with a focus on natural monuments, birds, and environmental restoration. They offer regular activities in nature and are inspired by Montessori´s way of teaching. Knut Wimberger, the chairman of the association talked with us about what motivated him to found Green Steps, what activities take place and other background information. Joss Hamza, a volunteer at Green Steps, gave us an insight into his experiences and findings during his work.

Click here to find out more about Green Steps in St. Pölten
