How to put an end to violence against women

Ileys Podcast
  • Ileys_podcast_Ep_1
30:10 min
FGM and force marriage
30:01 min
Somali students in Austria
30:31 min
Family planing
30:38 min
Music and art
30:01 min
Female genital mutilation - part 2
30:14 min
Female genital mutilation
30:10 min
Single moms' mental health
30:17 min
Somali students and school challenges
30:15 min
Talking about integration - part 2
30:02 min
The challenges of integration

Qeybta koobaad ee barnaamilka lleys podcast waxaan kaga hadlaynaa rabshadaha ka dhanka
ah haweenka iyo sida loo joojing karo.
Waxaa qeybgalaya dood ku saabsan arrintaan:
Faysal Mohamud
Abdirahman food-cadde
Mohamed Abdi Mohamud
Abdisalam Oman Adan

Maxay u dhacayaan tacadiyada haweenka ka dhanka ahi mar walba?
Maxaa sababa?
Side loo joojin karaa?
Su’aalahaas iyo kuwo kale o badan ayuu ka jawaabayaa barnaamilkaani.
Todobaad walba laga bilaabo 24.9.2022 6:00 maqribka ayaad ka dhageysan kartaa radio orange 94.0

This is the first episode of Ileys podcast, and it is a discussion about how to put an end to
violence against women!

What are the most main causes of the violence towards the women?

How can it be stopped?
How can women and men support each other and provide their families without abuse and violence?

All these questions and more are discussed in this episode.

Faysal Mohamud
Abdirahman food-cadde
Mohamed Abdi Mohamud
Abdisalam Oman Adan are the guest of this episode.

Ileys podcast is been brodcast every Saturday at 6:00pm starting on 24.09.2022 from Radio Orange 94.0

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