Interview with Polona Zakrajšek, participant in the project Re.Sources

Hörbare Alpen: Der CIPRA Podcast
  • 221114_Interview Polona Zakrajšek_Re.Sources_Job Shadowing
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What are my resources and what are yours? Which ones are in danger and which ones are our lives dependent on? What resources does it take to make a change towards sustainable development in the Alps? The CIPRA-project Re.sources was tackling these questions by bringing people from different Alpine countries to work together. Meanwhile, “job shadowing” gave 24 participants the opportunity to work for one of the partner organisations in the Alps for three to seven days. In this way, the project strengthened exchanges and learning between the organisations. Young people gained an insight into the working world of an NGO and expanded their professional network.

One of these young people is Polona Zakrajšek. Polona is 24 years old and from Slovenia. She did a bachelor in geography in Ljubljana, but is currently staying in Prague in Czech Republic for one more year, doing her master’s degree in Forestry, water and landscape management. During the summer, she was doing field work in forest ecology and mountain forests. Maya Mathias interviewed Polona about her experiences within the Re.sources project and job shadowing at CIPRA international.

If you are interested to learn more about job shadowing and our current projects, please visit our website:

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