Trash Talk Zagreb

Unpolluted On Air
  • 35 - UOA - Student - April - TrashTalk
40:34 min
#40: We left... the water running
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#39: To prevent is better than to cure
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#37: Who, if not Youth for Environmental Justice!
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Climate Activism Zagreb
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Goodby, as activists we stay unpolluted
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“Ropotariti” means something in Maribor
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Second Hand Zagreb
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First-hand opinions on second-hand goods (Partner Radios Podcast)

Ivan P, Sara P and Sara S from Radio Student trash-talked waste management in Zagreb. We’ve reflected on the new garbage sorting model in Zagreb and shared our thoughts on it. We have also prepared a short vox populi where you can hear other people’s opinions on whether they think this new system is effective and how they handle sorting waste. In the interview, we spoke with Marko Košak from Zelena Akcija, who told us why this model of waste disposal was chosen, what are its advantages and disadvantages, how effective it is and whether less waste is currently being generated because of it. He also gave his opinion on Jakuševac, the trash-mountain of Zagreb, and told us how bad it is for the city and what consequences it has on people’s health. He also shared with us the ways in which we can create less waste, how much space and infrastructure is really needed to sort the categories of waste and where to get the best information about waste separation.

the show is in Croatian language

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