Goodby, as activists we stay unpolluted

Unpolluted On Air
  • UOA helsinki mai
40:34 min.
#40: We left... the water running
44:19 min.
#39: To prevent is better than to cure
24:48 min.
#37: Who, if not Youth for Environmental Justice!
38:41 min.
Climate Activism Zagreb
46:04 min.
Trash Talk Zagreb
20:15 min.
“Ropotariti” means something in Maribor
54:52 min.
Trash talking Graz
45:40 min.
Second Hand Zagreb
45:02 min.
First-hand opinions on second-hand goods (Partner Radios Podcast)

This month are our last Unpolluted on air podcasts being played on Radio Helsinki Graz, Radio Marš Maribor and Radio Student Zagreb. The grand final topic of May – Activism. Our Graz team focused on the activists, organisations and movements present in the local environment. We contacted several of them, but 4 responded to our call for an interview. Gea, Nicolas and Hannah met with Alina from Südwind. She tells us about the origins and needs for establishing a new NGO, talks about the past activities of interventions in front of the European parliament on the topics of climate change and present near future activities such as „Kleidertausch-Party“ (clothes swap party). Gea and Hannah interviewed Valentin representing the Lätzte Generation, talking about the ways they “step out” and why classical demonstrating does not bring any change. Nicolas invited Maria from Autofrei Tag and Karo from Jugendrat. Maria presented us the upcoming „Mobil ohne Auto“ (autofreier Tag) on 18. June when we can join the activities on the closed streets while Karo debates about the role of the female read gender in our society, such as non-gender appropriate language that we regrettably keep encountering in everyday life. To make our language more equitable for all genders, they partnered with F-Streik to have „*innen“ stickers printed.

But before the interview with four of the activists, we hear an input of Maryna, the Radioactivist who moved to Chile, among other saying: “In South America, the environmental movement is tightly connected with the indigenous rights protection.” Maryna as well presents eco-activism throughout the past several decades.

The show is in German language

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