This episode of Netzrauschen is a recording of the keynote speech of Artist in Residence Ricardo Ginés at the OpenGLAM Kulturhackathon 2023 at the Fachhochschule St. Pölten. He speaks about his archiving work at Tactical Tech, the neglected spirit of Aaron Schwartz drawing connections to the docu movie « The Internet’s own boy », physisists and historian Edward Witten and Paul Otlet and his « Mundaneum », an institution which aimed to gather and classify all the world’s knowledge.
Foto Credit: Andreas Zingerle
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Videoausschnitte im Keynote sind aus dem Film: « The Internet’s Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz » (2014)
Paul Otlet, co-fondateur du Mundaneum
Gestaltung: Andreas Zingerle
Ton & Signation: Gernot Tutner