Degrowth with Sarah Ware

Radio Tipping Point
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Podcast Title: Degrowth with Sarah Ware
Episode Date: July 16, 2024
Guests: Mike Boyle (Host), Sarah Ware (Researcher and Practitioner)

Topic: Degrowth and Sustainable Development

– Mike Boyle welcomes Sarah Ware to discuss the concept of degrowth and its implications for sustainable development .

Sarah’s Journey:
– Sarah shares her background in environmental planning and urban studies ️.
– Her passion for the environment started at a young age and led her to study ecological economics in Vienna .

Key Themes:

1. Embedded Economy:
– The economy is embedded in society, which is embedded in the biophysical environment .
– Modern policies often overlook this interconnectedness .

2. Challenging Growth:
– Sarah emphasizes questioning the necessity and impacts of constant development ❓.
– Understanding why we need development and for what purpose ️.

3. Conflict and Change:
– Conflict is inevitable in discussions about development and sustainability ⚔️.
– Constructive conflict can lead to better understanding and solutions .

4. Systems Thinking:
– Moving away from linear thinking to understanding complex systems .
– Recognizing the dependencies and relationships within these systems .

5. Climate Change and Pollution:
– Climate change is just one aspect; pollutants and environmental degradation are critical issues .
– There is an urgent need to address these problems through systemic changes .

6. Sufficiency:
– The concept of sufficiency is central to degrowth .
– Understanding and agreeing on what constitutes “enough” for a good quality of life .

7. Public Spaces and Urban Greening:
– The role of public spaces in fostering community and equality .
– Challenges of gentrification and ensuring equitable access to green spaces ️.

– The episode concludes with a discussion on respecting nature and integrating sustainable practices into urban planning .
– Sarah and Mike highlight the importance of continuous questioning and adapting our approaches to development and sustainability .

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