Who are we? Image of migrant workers

  • Image_of_migrant_workers_117min
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With the elections in the EU and Austrian parliament, migrant workers are a part of the political agenda. Migrant workers, an important pillar for maintaining the economy, working in essential jobs under the worst working conditions are not recognised as part of society by many locals and right-wing politicians. They are the invisible labor force of our society. This transnational and intergenerational panel discussion aims to give migrant workers a platform for exchange in order to understand how they see themselves and their position in Austrian society. The question that will be raised: How could the different migrant workers in diaspora work together to gain recognition as members of society?

Deniz Güvensoy, independent curator, cultural researcher, PhD candidate University of Applied Arts Vienna
Faai-Irène Estelle Hochauer-Kpoda, human right activist, founder of the Association BARKA BARKA
Zoraida Nieto, social and cultural anthropologist, media artist and political activist.
Ivan Vejvoda, permanent fellow, head of Europe’s Futures Project, Institute for Human Sciences (IWM)
Marina Wetzlmaier, journalist
Moderation/Co-organization: Ralph Chan, sociologist

ORANGE 94.0 bringt Mitschnitte der WIENWOCHE Diskussionen im Depot.
2024 und pünktlich vor den Nationalratswahlen dreht sich alles um die Organisierung von Non-Citizens in Österreich und der Welt.

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