Irina Lucia

CR 94.4 – Campus & City Radio St. Pölten
Being raised under the watchful eye of a Romanian communist dictator, there is nothing I cherish more than the power of information and the freedom of speech. This very hunger for knowing more comes in handy in my daily job as a librarian, whereas the constant search for freedom has been the main engine in my journalistic activities throughout the years. Before coming to Austria, I worked for a biweekly magazine for teenagers and, later, for a daily local newspaper in Iasi, Romania, only afterwards realizing that being a journalist has little if anything to do with a paid job, but is rather a vocation, a duty and a passion that never leaves you. Be it written or spoken word, voices should be heard, opinions exchanged and thus, by getting to know one another, we can avoid the miscommunications and misinterpretations that too often plague our society and blur our views. Luckily I have found at Campus & City Radio St Pölten the very platform to bring forth ideas, out- or inside the box, to meet itneresting people and interview them as well as play the music that sometimes tells more than words.

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