Mischa G. Hendel

Orange 94.0
born in Vöcklabruck, lives in Vienna. Trained clerk and draftsman, radio journalist, film maker. African Studies at the University of Vienna (doctorate completed in 2011), lector at the Department of African Studies (2009/2014), social worker in the refugee center Traiskirchen (2012-2013). Trainer (culture lab) at spacelab (2014-2019), where he worked with young people on radio-, photo-, video- and theater-projects.

Director of “Literary Voices of Equatorial Guinea“ (Docu, 2009) and “Writing to be read“ (Docu, 2010). Audio Recording for “HELLO 2111“ (Wiener Festwochen, Michikazu Matsune) and Cinematography for “Zeichensturm“ (Brut Theater Wien, Michikazu Matsune).

Current activities: Editor of the radio programs Sweet Travels, Sweetspot and Radio AugartenStadt (Radio Orange), freelance trainer for radio, podcast and media skills.

465 Publications