After a month-long hiatus, due to family related visits to Romania and back, I had the thrill and the wonderful surprise to chat with Clara Mihai, from my very home town, Iasi, Romania, in what turned into the 6th edition of Innuendo 2015. We...
Professor of Social Work (Springfield College, Massachusetts USA), as well as Fulbright Scholar in Social Justice, Poverty, and Human Rights, Dr. Joseph Wronka was my guest in this special edition of Innuendo. Dr. Wronka was for the second time a...
The tuesday after International Woman’s Day Innuendo took on the touchy subject of gender, with an obvious focus on what „people“ think a girl is/should be. We take notice to what Ellen Page and Sally Field have to say on the...
One week after the 87th annual Academy Awards, this third edition of Innuendo tackles the nominees and winners of 2015, with good and bad parts, from great pieces of cinematography to ridiculous mistakes or convoluted controversies. We come to...
The key subject of the second edition in 2015 of „Innunedo“ is role models and our disappointment in them when they go „astray“ and are featured in the news for all the wrong reasons. Be it Claudine Longet in the...
After a semester hiatus, I have re started the „Innuendo“ series, triggered, if you will, by the events that have left us all perplex, the shootings and consecutive siege in Paris in the first week of 2015. Therefore, the very first...
As it was the last edition of Innuendo, we (Don Ferguson, our guest, and Irina Hablecker, yours truly) took a rather serious tone, as we approached the subjects and issues that „bother“ us on a daily basis. Be it in daily newspapers,...
In our sixth edition of Innuendo, we got to know Dr. Subhangi Herath, from the Department of Sociology of the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. We discovered together the universality of childhood, social stratification and parenthood, as well as...
Vanessa Cruz, originally from Stamford Connecticut, visited us on May 20th, a brief chat in her busy schedule as guest Fullbright Professor for the Summer School of Animation. After working for 10 years as a freelancer in the animation industry in...
Irina Hablecker talks to Dr. Dawn Kremslehner -Haas about her experiences in the Ghetto of South Side Chicago and what it is like to be bicultural in Austria. We present our concept “ Native Speakers“ as guests in Campus and Cityradio...
In this 3rd edition of Innuendo we accompany artist Don Ferguson in his multiple, equally fascinating, endeavours, from the plains of South Dakota, through the tumultuous 60’s in California, all the way to the Austrian Alps. Watching...
On this second edition of Innuendo we talk with Ruth Fröhlinger, an Australian born in India who teaches English in Austria. Her incredible journey, also rendered in a book form, as well as her impressions on Austrians and their sometimes strange...