Fuer die Voegel ist eine akustische Installation im öffentlichen Raum des Resselparks, die das private innere geschehen im Container nach Aussen in den Park wirft – in Richtung der Bäume, also für die Vögel. Für die Vögel referiert...
smellgraffiti, mitchel heinrich: mitchel heinrich betreibt riechbares urban hacking, sie gehen in der stadt um eine ecke und wider erwarten strömt der geruch einer frisch gemähten wiese durch ihre nase, umgekehrt ist auch denkbar, dass sie in...
Interview mit „moot“ dem Gründer und Betreiber von 4chan —> http://www.4chan.org/ moot zu den hintergründen und motivationen 4chan zu gründen und zu betreiben. über gesellschaftliche implikationen freiheit und ansätze der...
Urban Hacking, Paraflows 2009. Monochrom organisiert nun zum 4.en mal Paraflows, diese Jahr unter dem Titel „Urban Hacking“, wobei Urban Hacking stark daruf abzielt, Unerwartetes, ungefragt im öffentlichen Raum, intervenierend,...
Lecture Radio as Open Source for expression. Free Radio, community radios, a source for expression of opininon are an open source if we keep it open. What means to keep it open? An overview and some questions concerning openness of different...
A multi-disciplinary artist, he distributes his varied expertise between exploration of the body and movement and the relation with space. For a number of years his work has focused on the study of an original method of choreographic composition...
Every technology has its own accidents. Although many people perceive these accidents as negative experiences, we would like to emphasize their positive consequences. We feel that in this day and age we need systematically distorted communication,...
The source material of the interactive audio-video installation A Short-lived Fault in the System is a sampling of a 1920s futurist silence by Russolo, in which recording wear (vinyl distortions, dust, and scratches †¦) has in fact transformed...
In her art projects, Robertina Š ebjaniÄ explores and works with various media such as video and spatial/ambiental installations and more broadly conceived cross-media projects. She had previously been featured as an independent author as...
Macrae’s work manipulates popular iconography in film and video through compression, exploring the modern fascination with speed, nostalgia, information and entertainment. She misappropriates the readymade formats of cinema and television...
A general introduction to the HAIP Festival which was held in November 2008 in Ljubljana. One of the organisators of HAIP Festival, Luka Princic, talked about the current topics which are important during the Festival, and also which problems they...
Cyber Pipe is one part of the free open source Community in Ljubljana which is called Kiberpipa. One of the participants talked about their political understanding of sharing software and about the philosophy beyond using free software. But over...
Brandon McCullum talks about his experiences which he made during his journeys. Whats the State of the Art in the context of open source techniques? And which differences can be found in an international point of view? Outside the USA he searches...
Amjumix is an homage to the Amju games created by Jason Colman. Functioning as a standalone application, the Amjumix interface enables access to a series of five setups with elements that behave in a semi-unpredictable manner and are dependent on...