07.05.2021 - Patanjali’s Sutra 1.36 today, SHIVOHAM and the actual details about the four agreements to continue on last weeks intro to Don Miguel RUIZ’s TOLTEC teachings. YOGA is music of the soul BKS Iyengar used to say. So do continue, and the...
30.04.2021 - Patanjali’s Sutra 1.35 today, steadiness and for whatever reason, the 4 agreements and DON MIGUEL RUIZ showed up in my life again yesterday, so it seems as this show might just be filled with that toltec teaching. I got to meet Don Miguel a...
23.04.2021 - Patanjali’s Sutra 1.34 today, bringing forth exhalation, tetention, BREATH which stability of mind can be gained through, and with that, VAYU the lord of WINDS as deity of breath appeared in my mind too and as promised last week already, we...
16.04.2021 - Patanjali’s Sutra 1.33 today, loving-kindness, friendliness, compassion, joy and equanimity, … sukha dukha and the 7 Channels of Elimination, the highlights of this episode! You, me, us. Hanging out together, another noteworthy highlight...
09.04.2021 - „AS I BEGAN TO LOVE MYSELF…“ A POEM BY CHARLIE CHAPLIN As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth. Today, I know, this is...
09.04.2021 - The greatest achievement is selflessness. The greatest worth is self-mastery. The greatest quality is seeking to serve others. The greatest precept is continual awareness. The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything. The greatest action...
19.03.2021 - arriving at Patanjali’s Sutra 1.30 today, the inability to stay grounded, the NINE obstacles aka distractions or confusions to the mind. I have to admit, I binged on a little coffee the past few days, but I am off it again. Trying to find my...
12.03.2021 - …. are you ready for sutra 1.29 the realization of inner consciousness and freedom from all disturbances, also taking a look into the Mahabarata (one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India, the other being the Rāmāyaṇa) about...
05.03.2021 - FREMDE WIRD ZUR HEIMAT HEIMAT WIRD ZUM TRAUM 2 Kontinente. 3 Frauen, 3 Themen, 3 Jahrhunderte. 1898 – 2021 eine Verbindung ins Jetzt und zurück zum Damals. SehnSuechte der Aus- und Einwanderinnen. was ist Fremde und wo ist Heimat und wann...
05.03.2021 - it still is OM time, Japa, Mantra OM vibrations with, Sutra 1.28, … and a patanjalic view on the GOALS of yoga as outlined by Edwin F Bryant in his book the YOGA SUTRAS of Patanjali… Without change, something sleeps inside us, and seldom...
26.02.2021 - its OM time, with one of my favorite Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Sutra 1.27, … we will put our attention to the 3rd eye the pineal glandand the overuse, misuse and misunderstandings of Tantra Yoga is going to be a topic for not just today, aaaand...
12.02.2021 - Have you heard? People are saying that, so far, this „new“ year feels like an extension of last year. You’re probably also fully informed that „the only constant is change“ …which could be just another way of...
05.02.2021 - Yoga is a practice of getting people outside just the structure of their physical body and understanding that they are also energetical and spiritual bodies yoga comes from a solid foundation yoga is a state of being yoga is science of mind yoga...
29.01.2021 - Courage dear one your journey is indeed long and perhaps your limbs grow waery each night rest and be at ease but each morning rise up again, LIKE a LION filled with the radiance of the sun and meet the day with a steady heart ablaze with the...