25.08.2023 - What power holds imagination and how can we tap into it – let´s take a look on how yoga opens up the possibilities of imagination for you.
25.06.2023 - Passion - Practice - Purpose - Hope
28.05.2023 - Let´s take a closer look together at your muscle memory.
29.04.2023 - You want to feel energized and revitalized - make sure your Vagus Nerve is happy.
05.03.2023 - integration instead of avoidance
22.02.2023 - Find out how yoga can help you find happiness!
08.01.2023 - The path to happiness
02.12.2022 - 3 mistakes 3 things that will support you in setting up a healthy routine for yourself next year
25.09.2022 - Stay open, curious and let go of prejudgments.
22.12.2021 - Singfreude Lieder / Joy of Singing songs to the themes of 2021 among them joy, freedom, love, calm down