What’s your peace? – Interview with Peace Expert Rina Alluri

  • 2020_12_18_kt_peace_studies_rina_alluri
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International Peace Expert Joins The Team of Peace Unit in Innsbruck
Interview with Rina Alluri on Peacebuilding

Rina Alluri a postdoctoral researcher and lecturer,  joined the Peace Studies Unit at the University of Innsbruck in March 2020 and she looks forward to sharing her experience as a peace expert with the master’s students.

Alluri, who comes from Multiple cultures, says that her upbringing, not linked to a specific country or culture, but to  different and diveres cultures, affected her success in this field. Today she is trying during Coronavirus situation, to search for alternative methods to implement her plans in peace field in cooperation with the Peace and Conflict Unit.

And because of Corona situation and social distancing guidelines we interviewed her over the phone from Salzburg, where she lives.

More about Peace and Conflict Studies  www.uibk.ac.at/peacestudies

Presenter: Hameed Abu-Ragheef

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