Realities From Abroad – India, Austria, Bosnia

Frequently Asked Questions
  • RFA_IND_VIE_BOS_20.05.21_SK
30:00 min
"Reale Personen nach konkreter Betroffenheit fragen"
29:58 min
"Am schlimmsten hat es den Chor erwischt, aber es gab sehr kreative Lösungen"
30:00 min
"Den Wahrheitskern nicht aus den Augen zu verlieren"
30:00 min
"Wie können wir einen Rahmen bieten für tatsächliche politische Debatte?"
30:01 min
"The radio was something that we could still do"
30:01 min
"He decided to isolate himself inside the radio studio"
30:01 min
„Die Erosion der demokratischen Institutionen, wie wir sie kennen, wird uns über die Pandemie hinaus beschäftigen.“
30:00 min
"Die starke Dynamik in den Lieferketten trifft alle"
30:00 min
"I explained to my family what quarantine means"
30:00 min
"Die Corona-Krise hat mich herausgefordert, etwas für 24h-Betreuerinnen zu tun"

Edition #5: India, Austria, Bosnia

Die sechste Ausgabe unserer Reihe „Realities From Abroad – Corona worldwide“ – eine internationale Serie der Frequently Asked Questions Redaktion. Diese Sendung ist in englischer Sprache.

In our regular format Frequently Asked Questions, we let different people speak about how they are personally affected by the impacts of the pandemic, or they analyze different consequences on society. Since this health crisis does not stop at borders, we also look at other parts of the world, including occasional interviews in English. We are now dedicating an own new broadcast series to this international perspective. For “Realities From Abroad – Corona Worldwide”, our editorial team asked friends and relatives as well as former interview partners worldwide a series of questions about how they perceive the current pandemic situation in their region and society, how they feel, what worries them and what gives them hope. These people recorded themselves with their smartphones and sent us these audio snippets in english language.

In this edition, you will hear Dainty from India, David from Austria and Alen from Bosnia, answering questions about their current personal wellbeing on the one hand and the state of society and pancemic measures where they live on the other hand.
