18/04/2021 – Bad News#44

Anarchistisches Radio
  • 20210418_anarchistisches_radio
55:52 dk.
Jeder Tag ist 8. März – Buchpräsentation „Feministisch streiken. Dort kämpfen, wo das Leben ist“ von der AG Feministischer Streik Kassel
20:06 dk.
09/02/2025 – Update zu Pinar Selek
56:29 dk.
26/01/2025 – Live-Sendung zur Situationistischen Internationalen
57:00 dk.
12/01/2025 - Über das Verhältnis von Eigentum und Zwangslagen - gestern und heute
56:59 dk.
05/01/2025 – Angriff auf DAANES/Rojava – Interview von The Final Straw Radio mit Têkoşîna Anarşîst
57:00 dk.
29/12/2024 - Clinica Autogestiva
57:00 dk.
08/12/2024 - Rätekommunismus - eine Strömung der historischen Arbeiterbewegung
57:09 dk.
01/12/2024 - Interview mit Femplak Wien & Bad News #85
56:59 dk.
24/11/2024 - Das Patriarchat abfackeln
54:55 dk.
10/11/2024 – Externalized Borders: Zur Situation von people on the move in Mexico und im Sahel

Diesmal hört ihr die April Ausgabe der Bad News, ebenfalls zu finden auf dem offiziellen Blog. Beiträge gibts von:

Radio Dissident Island – bulletin about what is going on in the UK

Črna luknja – interview about police violence with a comrade from Bristol

A-Radio-Berlin – interview with the organization mare liberum about illegal push-backs in the Mediterranean (you can find the whole interview in german lenguage here: https://www.aradio-berlin.org/mare-liberum-ueber-illegale-pushbacks-im-mittelmeer/ )

Asamblea Anarquista Valparaiso – audio about the hungerstrike of anarchist and prisoners of the revolt in the area dominated by the chilean state

Frequenz(A) – interview with a comrade from food not bombs myanmar about their work and the ongoing resistance

1431 AM – about the continuing student movement and the the trial of the anarchist Vaggelis Stathopoulos

The Final Straw – is sharing an interview with an incarcerated revolutionary with Jailhouse Lawyers Speak (you can find a transcript and the whole interview here: https://thefinalstrawradio.noblogs.org/post/2021/03/28/shut-em-down-2021-jailhouse-lawyers-speak/#ShutEmDown)

Radio A (Karlsruhe) – interview about a stopped dam project in the aragon region in spain

Radio Fragmata – Notes on repression and the struggles against the state and the police.


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