26/09/2021 – War on Anarchists in Greece

Anarchistisches Radio
  • 26/09/2021 War on Anarchists in Greece
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In der heutigen Sendung spielen wir „Episode 7: War on Anarchists“ des Podcast CircleA ab. Alle Sendungen von CircleA findet ihr auf der Webseite von Submedia.

Hier der Original Ankündigungstext:

Greece’s War on Anarchists

At the beginning of March 2021, the streets of Athens exploded. After months of repressive lockdown measures and a hunger strike by well-known Greek political prisoner, Dimitris Koufontinas, the atmosphere was akin to a pressure cooker and the inevitable rupture was enormous, even by Greek standards.

To gain some perspective on the goings on, we checked in with Tasos, an Anarchist from the Void Network. His interview touches on everything from the history and current context in Exarcheia, to the influence played by social media and #MeToo on the Greek political situation.

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