Dismantling the Doctrine of the Discovery

Indigenous Rights Collective Radio
  • doctrine-of-discovery
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TITLE: Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery


The Doctrine of Discovery is a principle of international law dating from the late 15th century. It has its roots in the Papal Bulls that were issued by the Vatican and implemented by Monarchies, sanctioning the brutal Conquest and Colonization of non-Christians who were deemed “enemies of Christ” in Africa and the Americas. These Papal Bulls were a continuation of what had been going on since at least the 8th century from Charlemagne, through the Crusades, the Inquisition, the war on witches, to the Reconquista of the Iberian Peninsula. In 1823, the “Doctrine of Discovery” was first articulated as a legal formulation in U.S. Supreme Court case, Johnson v. M’Intosh in 1823. As this case fundamentally defines international property law today, it continues to be used by multi-national corporations and Nation-States in their extraction of resources in indigenous territories around the world.

In this Programm we talk with our Guests Túpac Enrique and Ana Barón about the „Dismantling of the Doctrine of the Discovery“. Its historical context, development and also a methodology to reach the understanding and consequently a reconciliation process on our society. Through their personal experiencies and convictions, Tupac and Ana clear up the concepts, related aspects , and the consequences of the colonization process in the continent of Abya Ayala (Indigenous name of America).



Tupac Enrique Acosta

A recognized activist for indigenous rights, Tupac Enrique Acosta is the main Representative of NAHUACALLI, Embassy of Indigenous Peoples and a founding member of the community based organization TONATIERRA in Phoenix, Arizona (USA). At proceedings of the United Nations, Tupac has served as representative of Tlahtokan Aztlan, a traditional council that upholds the sovereignty of the original nations and Pueblos of the territory of Atzlan. Through his work with the Confederation of the Eagle and the Condor, he is helping to revitalize the historic and sacred connections between indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere. Tupac is also one of the original conveners of the gathering of Tlahtokan Aztlan (Arizona, USA) that in 1984 sent a message to Pope John Paul II calling for the Vatican State to re-examine the fallacious principles of the Papal Bulls of Alexander VI purporting to grant “Domain” over the territories and Nations of Indigenous Peoples. Since 1984, Tupac, through TONATIERRA has been consistently advancing the Dismantling of the Doctrine of Discovery in a series of coordinated community campaigns led by Indigenous Peoples from the local-regional, continental-global contexts of geo-political reference.

Ana Barón

She was born in Colombia but also lived in different countries and learned from different cultures. She studied Linguistics in the University of Bogotá . She is being part of the Re-awakening of the Indigenous People Muisca. She got knowledge from old indigenous persons in Colombia. Currently she’s living in Austria serving kindly as a bridge between cultures. Ana Barón met Tupac Enrique acosta in Bogotá, Colombia in the Frame of the Gathering for the 10th Aniversary of the UN’s Indigenous Peoples Rights Declaration, organized in 2017 by the ONIC (National Indigenous Organization of Colombia) . Tupac and Ana participated in the Continental Comission Abya Ayala which was responsible for the writing of the Letter to Pope Francisco, asking for the condemnation and dismantling of the Doctrine of the Discovery.

MODERATION / Audio Produktion : Manuel Amarusunqu

LINKS & References











VIDEO-CONVENTION Mother Earth’s Pandemic : The Doctrine of the Discovery

0 Kommentare

  1. Continental Commission Abya Yala: October 12, 2021 Position Statement on the Doctrine of Discovery and the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

    We call for the reinforcement of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples:

    In consequence and implementation of the pertinent recommendations formulated by the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues inwe call for the integration of a formal evaluation and a methodology of the processes of repudiation and dismantling of the racist relic of the by the government states of the Americas by the Special Doctrine of Discovery Rapporteur on each and every one of her official visits to countries whose claims of jurisdiction as successor states to the Doctrine on our continent of Abya Yala [Americas] are normalized by the Doctrine of the Discovery of Christendom, the Papal Bulls of Pope Alexander VI Inter Caetera (1493) and the concept of “Original Property of the State” in the Americas.



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