Future Living – Melodie Yashar: Space Exploration Architecture

  • RO_220809_Interview_Melodie_Yashar_Arteaga_Hocaoglu
31:56 min
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30:25 min
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30:30 min
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30:37 min
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1 hrs 25:15 min
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32:17 min
Versatile Space (s) – Materialnomaden
1 hrs 08:29 min
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31:59 min
Sustainable Future – Johannes Zeininger: Alternative Energiesysteme
29:46 min
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30:33 min
Sustainable Future – Emanuele Naboni

We broadcast a recording of the interview with Melodie Yashar. The conversation took place in the frame of the course Emerging Fields in Architecture, TU Wien (WS 2021/22). For this radio broadcast series architecture students interviewed researchers, creatives and experts from various disciplines and research fields. The focus of the conversations was the question: How do we live in the future? The students were looking for multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary strategies for planning, building and living together now and in the future.

Melodie Yashar is a designer, technologist and researcher. One of the main topics of this interview is her work with SEARCH+ (Space Exploration Architecture) and NASA. With them she developed habitation units for Mars and the Moon, as well as infrastructure plans for the lunar and martian surface. Another part of the interview is her current work with ICON, a company that is developing 3D printers on a large scale for houses and habitation units. Her work with ICON is not only focussing on printable structures for extraterrestrial missions, but also for housing on earth with a special focus on affordable projects for people without homes. She gave insight in her career as well as in the challenges she faced in this still white and male dominated area of research and development.

Deniz Hocaoglu and Vasco Arteaga conducted the interview and produced this broadcast as part of the course Emerging Fields in Architecture at the Vienna University of Technology.

 More information about Melodie Yashar: https://www.melodieyashar.com

or have a look at the Youtube Channel Emerging Fields of Architecture from the TU Vienna for a presentation by her of one of her projects:


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 Broadcast Focus 2022: Future Living

 Architects are innovators: spatial, social and technological innovations, the cognitive conception of which often lies far in the past, can be found in numerous of their concepts and designs.

Researchers, creatives and experts from different disciplines and research fields were interviewed on the topic of How do we live in the future? The goal was to investigate multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary strategies for planning, building and living together now and in the future. The broadcast series covers concrete proposals as well as visions looking far into the future.

The broadcast derived in the context of the module ‘Emerging Fields in Architecture’ at the TU Wien (WS 21/22). The module imparts, explores and discusses knowledge from new research fields in architectural and engineering disciplines in order to bring together knowledge and know-how from these fields for the student’s own design development.

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Radio Spaceuriosity at Radio Orange 94.0
Every 2nd TUE of the month
A broadcast by Sandra Häuplik-Meusburger and Verena Holzgethan
Live Stream: http://o94.at/live/
Cultural broadcasting archive: https://cba.media/podcast/spaceuriosity



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