24/07/2022 B(A)D NEWS #58

Anarchistisches Radio
  • 24/07/2022 - BAD NEWS Episode 58
57:00 dk.
08/12/2024 - Rätekommunismus - eine Strömung der historischen Arbeiterbewegung
57:09 dk.
01/12/2024 - Interview mit Femplak Wien & Bad News #85
56:59 dk.
24/11/2024 - Das Patriarchat abfackeln
54:55 dk.
10/11/2024 – Externalized Borders: Zur Situation von people on the move in Mexico und im Sahel
56:13 dk.
03/11/2024 - Musik
56:44 dk.
20/10/2024 - Tagung Linke Betriebsarbeit
56:57 dk.
22/09/2024 - B(A)D News #83 & Ankündigungen
57:00 dk.
15/09/2024 - Anti-Knast-Kämpfe im Iran (A-Radio-Durchbruch)
26:26 dk.
08/09/2024 - Mauerwerk bekämpfen
53:34 dk.
01/09/2024 - B(A)D News #82 & Ankündigungen

Wir freuen uns Episode 58 der BAD NEWS Radioshow senden zu dürfen. Davor und danach gibts Musik von Ceschi und ganz am Ende G.L.O.S.S.

Hier die Ankündigung:

This episode 58 of “B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world”, a news program from the international network of anarchist and antiauthoritarian radios, shows and podcasts, consisting of short news segments from different parts of the world. This episode was hosted by the Anarchist Radio Berlin.

In this episode the contributions are coming from:

  • Črna Luknja – anarchist radio show on Radio Student from Ljubljana with an interview on the topic of antifascism in Japan. On the 22nd Antifa festival in Ljubljana, Slovenia, they had the chance to talk with Gregor, a researcher and activisit very familiar with the autonomous movements in Japan.
  • Frequenz A with an interview with an anarchist refugee who lived many years in Ukraine
    after fleeing from Putins Russia. The complete interview can be found here.
  • The Final Straw Radio presents part of an interview with BOAK, or the Anarchist Communist Combat Organization, a Russia-based group advocating sabotage and guerrilla struggle and the development of a social revolution against authoritarian regimes in eastern Europe. You can find their darkweb site via torbrowser (!) at http://boakor7dmr63zguccltp6nki56ou4oppirhyllfck7yd3sifywinhkyd.onion/, a less secure mirror site at http://boakmirror.noblogs.org/ or their telegram channel at https://t.me/BO_AK_reborn.
  • A-Radio Berlin with part of a recording of an info event held by the Migrant Strikers Berlin on the connections between the war in Ukraine and the turkish state aggression in Rojava.

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