Insight into Citizen Journalism

Stičišče slovanskih kultur – Treffpunkt slawische Kulturen
  • Insights into Citizen Journalism
24:46 Min.
Gero Vogl - ein Physiker auf den Spuren seines Großvaters in Österreichisch Schlesien
23:51 Min.
Karolina Bucka Kustec: nekje sredi vesolja
24:53 Min.
Svetlana Sokolova: living and working under the Nordic sky
25:14 Min.
LITMAG East European Literary Magazines 1945–2004: Testing the Boundaries and Paving the Way to Democratization
25:05 Min.
Simona Klemenčič o besedah, jezikih in romanu Hiša brez ogledal
24:56 Min.
David Wawrzuta: a Polish student of sociology from Australia
25:08 Min.
Petru Ionescu: Freundlichkeit und Offenheit verbinden Slawen und Rumänen
24:52 Min.
Daniel Krajniak: Deutscher, Pole, Europäer
26:58 Min.
Poučevanje slovenskega jezika v Avstriji na izobraževalni vertikali 3. del

We listen to a conference lecture on the topic of citizen journalism which was delivered by Professor Andrei Rogatchevski from the Department of Language and Culture at the University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway. The lecture took place during the conference titled „Citizen Journalism: Challenges and Educational Perspective“ at the University of Bielsko-Biala, Poland, in December 2022. This conference was part of the larger project titled „Citizen Journalism for Enhancement of Regional Development: Development of Interdisciplinary Curricula and Implementation of Teaching Innovations,“ which received funding from Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway through the European Economic Area Funds.

Author: Agnieszka Będkowska-Kopczyk

Music: Arana by Jazz at Mladost Club, Free Music Archive, license type (CC BY-NC-ND), Double Slit Test by Ketsa, Free Music Archive, license type (CC BY-NC-ND).

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