Nour Shantout, artist and researcher

  • Nour Shantout, artist and researcher
1 Std. 00 Sek.
Ivana Marjanović, curator and author
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Sara Hassan, writer, moderator, and keynote speaker
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Marcela Torres Heredia, researcher, activist
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Sanja Tropp Frühwald, artistic director, choreographer
59:59 Min.
Marija Šabanović, photo artist
1 Std. 00 Sek.
MOVING VOICES, audio collage Ženergija PresenD-Arts
1 Std. 00 Sek.
Lisa Mai, dotdotdot & Anna Leon, Tanzquartier Wien
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Rey Joichl, Brunnenpassage & Erhan Althan, Neuer Wiener Diwan
1 Std. 00 Sek.
Tahereh Nourani, composer and sound artist & Krysztina Winkel, Wiener Staatsoper
1 Std. 00 Sek.
Aslı Kışlal, diverCITYLAB & Anke Schad-Spindler, EDUCULT

“If we read anti-colonial theory, and if we read what black folks wrote since years and years ago, we know this colonial narrative, to dehumanize certain bodies, and to humanize certain bodies. Who is human in this world? Who is less human? Many genocides were committed against people, seeing those people as less than human. This is again with solidarity what happened in Gaza, in open-air prisons, from 2007. Two million people, of which 1 million are children, are in the colonial narrative, they seem to be less human. What about the daily violence in apartheid? Is it violence? What kind of violence becomes visible and what kind of violence remains invisible?”

Nour Shantout (she/her) is an artist and researcher. She was born in Damascus, and she is based in Vienna since 2015. She got her diploma of fine arts at the Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien (Textual Sculpture, Prof. Heimo Zobernig) in 2020, she is currently pursuing her doctorate studies in Philosophy at the same Academy and she is a visiting lecturer at IZK the Institute for Contemporary Art, Architecture Faculty of the Graz University of Technology, and at the Institute for Transcultural Studies, Angewandte. She showed her work in Vienna and internationally; in 2022 she had her solo exhibition ‚Searching for the New Dress‘ at Minuseins Offspace (Vienna) and it traveled to Stroboskop Art Space (Warsaw). Her articles have appeared in JEEM, ALjumhuriya, and elsewhere. She works around subjugated heritage, counter-memory, counter-history, labor, and alienation, from a post-colonial feminist perspective.

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