PresenD-Arts:Jelena Micić, WIENWOCHE Festival & Wilhelm Binder, Queer Museum Vienna.

  • PresenD-Arts: Jelena Micić, WIENWOCHE Festival & Wilhelm Binder, Queer Museum Vienna.
1 Std. 00 Sek.
Ivana Marjanović, curator and author
1 Std. 00 Sek.
Sara Hassan, writer, moderator, and keynote speaker
1 Std. 00 Sek.
Marcela Torres Heredia, researcher, activist
1 Std. 00 Sek.
Sanja Tropp Frühwald, artistic director, choreographer
59:59 Min.
Marija Šabanović, photo artist
1 Std. 00 Sek.
MOVING VOICES, audio collage Ženergija PresenD-Arts
1 Std. 00 Sek.
Lisa Mai, dotdotdot & Anna Leon, Tanzquartier Wien
1 Std. 00 Sek.
Rey Joichl, Brunnenpassage & Erhan Althan, Neuer Wiener Diwan
1 Std. 00 Sek.
Tahereh Nourani, composer and sound artist & Krysztina Winkel, Wiener Staatsoper
1 Std. 00 Sek.
Aslı Kışlal, diverCITYLAB & Anke Schad-Spindler, EDUCULT

During the holidays you have the opportunity to listen to Ženergija, because great guests bring new reflections. How we are in solidarity, are we, with whom? In what way does the independent art scene connect, communicate, and exchange knowledge? One of the meeting points is precisely the network of organizations that are in D-Arts. That’s why tonight we continue to have dialog in the PresenD-Arts format.

Guests: Jelena Micić, WIENWOCHE Festival & Wilhelm Binder, Queer Museum Vienna.

Jelena Micić *1986, Knjaževac, Serbia, is an artist and curator. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna where she also worked as a study assistant at the Painting and Exhibition Management Department. In 2019 she was managing the open working group I KNOW I CARE, as part of the WIENWOCHE Festival. As part of her kültür gemma! Fellowship (2018) in IG Bildende Kunst, she was working on the PAY THE ARTIST NOW! campaign.

Wilhelm Binder*1984. WB studied cultural and social anthropology at the University of Vienna/Lille, France, and Fine Arts in Vienna/Barcelona. As a freelance artist, WB currently collaborates in several projects, one of them is Queer Museum Vienna. In his artistic work, WB looks at power structures and normative processes of society from a queer perspective. Concepts are brought to life in various media: performative interventions, multi-material sculptures, drawings, video, and text.

 As part of the Fellowship program kültür gemma! x d D-Arts,

Ženergija expands the format to PresenD-Arts

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