Young demands for a good life in the Alps | « Alpine Compass »

Hörbare Alpen: Der CIPRA Podcast
  • Young demands for a good life in the Alps | "Alpine Compass"
29:06 min
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SteinReich - Trockensteinmauern und Lesesteinhaufen als wertvolle Lebensräume
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«Let people do everything they can by themselves» – Interview with Marjeta Čič
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Renforcer les réseaux pastoraux dans les Alpes
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«Die allermeisten Leute haben ja Lust auf Zukunft» - Bea Albermann im Gespräch
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En passant par la montagne | Via Alpina Youth
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Nach der Flut: Wie Biosphärenparks mit Klimarisiken umgehen
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Should I stay or should I go? Young people and quality of life in the Alps | CYC podcast

Environmental protection, car-free mobility and work-life balance: These are the political demands of young people from Germany, France, Slovenia and Liechtenstein. In this episode we discuss the learnings, surprises and demands at the end of our « Alpine Compass » project.

CIPRA Slovenia (lead partner), CIPRA International, CIPRA Germany and CIPRA France analysed in the project, what constitutes quality of life for young people aged 16-30 from Slovenia, Germany, France and Liechtenstein. The Alpine-wide results can be found in the dossier « Quality of Life and Young People in the Alps ». The project was funded by Erasmus+.

For more information about the « Alpine Compass » project:

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