Young demands for a good life in the Alps | „Alpine Compass”

Hörbare Alpen: Der CIPRA Podcast
  • Young demands for a good life in the Alps | "Alpine Compass"
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Environmental protection, car-free mobility and work-life balance: These are the political demands of young people from Germany, France, Slovenia and Liechtenstein. In this episode we discuss the learnings, surprises and demands at the end of our „Alpine Compass” project.

CIPRA Slovenia (lead partner), CIPRA International, CIPRA Germany and CIPRA France analysed in the project, what constitutes quality of life for young people aged 16-30 from Slovenia, Germany, France and Liechtenstein. The Alpine-wide results can be found in the dossier „Quality of Life and Young People in the Alps”. The project was funded by Erasmus+.

For more information about the „Alpine Compass” project:

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