07.12.2023 - Abbiamo dedicato il quarto episodio del nostro podcast all'importante tema della capacità di carico nel turismo di montagna.
07.12.2023 - With our speciAlps podcast series, we want to gather knowledge and contribute to the exchange of experiences in tourism across the Alps. We have dedicated our fourth podcast episode to the important topic of carrying capacities in mountain tourism.
07.11.2023 - Hundreds of young people have spent the past summer exploring the Alps in a climate-friendly way with a ticket from the CIPRA YOALIN project.
02.11.2023 - Wie viel Wasserkraft ist ökologisch tragbar? Darüber diskutierten Vertreter:innen von Umweltschutzorganisationen und Energieversorgern Anfang September 2023 in Feldkirch/A.
12.10.2023 - Wie können Besucher:innen von sensiblen Naturräumen im Alpenraum ohne Verbote oder finanzielle Anreize zu einem verantwortungsvollen Verhalten bewegt werden?
12.10.2023 - How can visitors to sensitive natural areas in the Alps be encouraged to behave responsibly without either prohibitions or financial incentives?
10.08.2023 - La gestion de la fréquentation touristique commence avant le départ : les transports jouent en effet un rôle décisif.
10.08.2023 - Visitor management starts at home with transport playing an important role. Taking the car not only leads to traffic chaos but we also leave a huge carbon footprint. We can reduce both by travelling with public transport.
01.08.2023 - Revitalising valleys, identifying with landscapes, climbing more sustainably, using old irrigation systems innovatively, eating radically and locally: 18 participants honed such project ideas at the second Alpine Changemaker Basecamp.
17.07.2023 - What do young people need for a good life in the Alps? A round table discussion about „Quality of Life in the Alps - from a youth perspective“.
15.06.2023 - To je prva epizoda serije podkastov speciAlps "Vodenje obiskovalcev, ohranjanje doživetja v naravi":
15.06.2023 - This is the first episode of the speciAlps Podcast series "Guiding visitors, preserving the nature experience". It explores how artificial intelligence (AI) can help guide visitors away from sensitive or congested places.
02.05.2023 - Within the project Trata 2.1 companies and municipalities from Slovenia visit good practice examples for mobility management in the very west of Austria and in Liechtenstein.
02.05.2023 - Learned about good examples of corporate mobility management: Participants of the Trata 2.1 study trip to Vorarlberg/A and Liechtenstein in March 2023.