Scratch it! by Jesus Cabrera Hernandez at the Ars Electronica Festival 2009

  • Scratch it! by Jesus Cabrera Hernandez at the Ars Electronica Festival 2009
37:42 perc
Österreich und die Welt: Entwicklungspolitik und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
59:59 perc
Humanitäre Hilfe und Entwicklungspolitik
13:21 perc
Humanitäre Hilfe aus Oberösterreich
13:32 perc
"An der sozialen Teilhabe wird zuerst gespart"
50:05 perc
Schulstart und Kinderarmut
50:00 perc
Weltempfänger: Der globale Süden und seine Gläubiger
27:41 perc
Wissenschaft zugänglich machen
50:00 perc
Bienen in Linz
32:10 perc
Frauenberatung für den beruflichen (Wieder-)Einstieg
16:32 perc
Schließung von “Tageseltern zu Hause”

This project aspires to question the structure of media, globalization and the individual perception of Art and Society on two sides of the world. A series of interviews and footage on the theme of Information, Media Art and Society will being recorded in Cuba, a country with an environment in which the access to the media is limited. This footage will be projected in Linz, Austria during the Ars Electronica Festival, bringing to this event the points of view on art, technology, information and society that Cuban citizens have.

This is an attempt to reflect on the meaning of these terms in different societies. A screen will be made and covered with a silver rub-off surface. As people scratch part of it they uncover the projection of the Cuban footage. The metaphor of the necessity to deconstruct the information that the media transmit to us will be reflected—with the interaction of different users the big picture can be revealed. A separation between the two worlds will be made and the necessity of simple approaches to complex subjects. Theidea of global human nature is countered with the answer of coming back to a simple natural interface, like scratching a surface with our hands and a coin, claiming as a metaphor to understand and deconstruct broad concepts like information art and society.

Jesus Cabrera Hernandez is one of last years graduate students form the Interface Culture Master Studies at The Art University of Linz.

Simone Boria interviewed the artists at the Ars Electronica Festival 2009, the opening of „The Royal Masquerade Ball”

Link to festival page:

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