Remembering means working. About the remembrance of Sinti and Romanies, who died during the nazi terror

Niemals Vergessen – ein Hörmahnmal
  • Remembering means working. About the remembrance of Sinti and Romanies, who died during the nazi terror
30:03 min.
The gipsy camp at Salzburg-Maxglan (1939-1943)
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Roma, Sinti oder doch Zigeuner? Über sprachliche Unkorrektheiten im Umgang im Minderheiten.
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Erinnern ist Arbeit. Über das Gedenken an Sinti und Roma, die dem Nazi-Terror zum Opfer fielen
14:48 min.
Antiziganistische Zustände. Geschichte, Kontinuitäten, Ursachen.
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Niemals Vergessen! Sinti und Roma im Nationalsozialismus. Eine Spurensuche in Halle/S., Magdeburg und Nordhausen.
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Zum Scheitern einer politischen Lösung für die in Berlin im Bethanien untergekommenen Romafamilien
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Unkus letzter Tanz
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Das Leid des Franz Rosenbach und die deutschen Wunderwaffen
12:17 min.
Das Verschwinden der Sinti und Roma aus der Stadt Halle/S.

Has Austria learnt its lesson from history? What about Austria’s part of responsibility for the Holocaust? Developments on the local level indicate the country’s temper very well. Efforts to remembrance of Sinti and Roma, who were deported to Concentration Camps from Salzburg, was an unpopular issue in council meetings in the 1980s. Huge protests took place against the installation of a Roma and Sinti monument. Today one cannot doubt that at least the officials of Salzburg stick by their historical responsibility. What effect did this change of mind during the last 20 years have?
Georg Wimmer has created the following broadcast, about the forms of remembrance projects of schools and NGO’s.

Redaktion: Georg Wimmer

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