Teil der Vorlesungsreihe „Die Dynamik der gegenwärtigen Rechten“
Referent: Dr. Anton Shekhovtsov (IWM Wien)
Moderation: Assoz.-Prof.in Dr.in Kristina Stöckl (Institut für Soziologie/Universität Innsbruck)
In his lecture Dr. Anton Shekhovtsov talks about the historical roots and developement of Russias relationships to European Right Wing protagonists including the New Right, and Right Wing Parties like AfD, Front National and FPÖ. He traces important official meetings between Russian and European Delegations and the incorporation of European Right Wing Politicians as alleged ‚experts‘ in Russian Media, such as Russia Today and Sputnik.
Dr. Shekhovtsovs professional interests include but are not limited to new radical right-wing parties in Europe; illiberal tendencies in Central and Eastern Europe; New Right in general and Russian New Right (Neo-Eurasianism) in particular; varieties of interwar European fascism; radical right-wing music
Organisation: Ass.-Prof.in Dr.in Claudia Globisch (Institut für Soziologie/Universität Innsbruck) & Manuel Mayrl (Grüne Bildungswerkstatt Tirol)