In the long term, the Taliban will have to leave.

A Cup of Care
  • sendung afghanistan1
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We wish you a safe ride
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I am tired of fighting, we all need to talk - Heela Najibullah, daughter of former Afghanistans president
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"Laws on us" - until we reach a world that is truly free and equal for all of us.
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Meine Familie ist meine Heimat
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über Mut, Menschenwürde und Weihnachten

Afghan women have basically been stripped of all their basic human rights,Tahmina Salik, head of the Danish-Afghan Women Diaspora Forum (DAKDIF) stated in our talk. Every day the situation is getting worse, and more restrictions are coming. And every day they feel more isolated and left alone.

Afghan women feel betrayed and abandoned. When the Western military, led by the United States, invaded Afghanistan, their goal was to overthrow the Taliban. Promising to fight terrorism and strengthen women’s rights, they stayed in the country. They professed to support the Afghan people, to initiate democratization of the country and to establish schools for girls. But they did not keep their promises. We need to hold our governments accountable.



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