Transval_05_08_2017_Organisations without management

Transition Valley – Wandeltal
  • Transval_05_08_2017_Organisations without management
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In dieser Ausgabe senden wir den Vortrag von Jos de Blok – zum Thema: Organizations without management – Inventing meaningful structures (Neue Organisationen, schöner arbeiten) der am 24.4.2017 im Rahmen der Tage der Utopie 2017 in St. Arbogast stattfand. Vortragssprache english.

Jos de Blok with his work for Buurtzorg is one of the global pioneers of the new way of »reinvented organizations«, presented in the famous book of Frederic Laloux. Buurtzorg was founded in 2006 by Jos de Blok, a former nurse. His new organization is extraordinarily successful! Having grown from four to 10,000 nurses in its first ten years and achieving outstanding levels of care and a market share of 60 percent. Internationalization started by launching in Countries like Sweden, US, Japan or China. Clients and nurses love Buurtzorg.
Its 10,000 employees operate entirely with self-managing practices and are supported by fewer than 50 staff people. Fluid, natural hierarchies replace the fixed power hierarchies of the pyramid. Local teams of 10 to 12 nurses work almost completely self-organised, do their own recruiting and purchasing, contracting for specialized medical or legal expertise when needed.

This kind of organisation is not just inspiring healthcare services, but also other private and public organisations and companies around the world being an amazing example of integral management.

Jos de Blok is the founder and CEO of Buurtzorg (neigh- bourhood nursing), a Dutch organization offering community based (home) care services to more than 60.000 patients a year. Jos de Blok is a nurse by education and considered a change agent in the Netherlands when it comes to the organization of community based (home) care. Before he established Buurtzorg he had several senior management positions in home care organizations including director Innovations for medical services.

In Kooperation mit connexia – Gesellschaft für Gesundheit und Pflege sowie Blum – International Consulting.

Mehr Informationen über die Tage der Utopie 2017:

Einführende Worte von Yvette Ellensohn für

Proton – das freie Radio

Musik: Marius Joppich, Glockenspiel, Jamendo licenses

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