Melisa Slipac, .ditiramb, Tamistad & Readings from the darkroom

  • Melisa Slipac, .ditiramb, Tamistad & Readings from the darkroom
1 h. 00 sec
Araba Evelyn Johnston-Arthur, activist and cofounder of Pamoja, co-curator WIENWOCHE festival
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Letícia Carneiro, maiz celebrates its 30th anniversary this year!
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Nataša Mackuljak, WIENWOCHE
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Ženergija celebrate 20 years & 2 years on Radio Orange- LIVE
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Ivana Marjanović, curator and author
1 h. 00 sec
Sara Hassan, writer, moderator, and keynote speaker
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Marcela Torres Heredia, researcher, activist
1 h. 00 sec
Sanja Tropp Frühwald, artistic director, choreographer
59:59 min
Marija Šabanović, photo artist
1 h. 00 sec
MOVING VOICES, audio collage Ženergija PresenD-Arts

Tonight we are talking about the « unconditionality of art »! How did .dɩtirambs, an association founded in Vienna in 2003, come about? When merging musical, performative and audio-visual forms of expression in the experimental work of the artists as well as about the unconditional nature of artistic expression, what do we get? And only if we cross different languages, cultures, literary, and theatrical Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards, we are still talking about .dɩtirambs. We will definitely talk about Post-Yugoslav women-oriented literature because my is guest Melisa Slipac.



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Von Bitternis überdosiert

Übersatt von menschlicher Bosheit und Dummheit

Ona, nova, svoja

Preumorna od svakodnevnice

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Prezasićena ljudskom zlobom i glupošću

Odlomak iz pesme  iz dvojezične zbirke Troglavi svijet/Dreikopfwelt, Melisa Slipac


Melisa Slipac, born in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1978. M.A. in English, Spanish, Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian language and literature from the University of Vienna. Published a book of poetry Ples između zidova (Dancing among the Walls) in 2007, a bilingual collection of poetry Troglavi svijet/Dreikopfwelt (Three headed World) with two other female authors in 2017, a monography Black Female Sexuality and Nature of Womanhood in 2009 and a few academic articles on Post-Yugoslav women-oriented literature. Active member of the intercultural associations ditiramb and LINE IN. Works as a language teacher and trainer and currently finishing her doctoral thesis at the Department of Slavonic Studies, University of Vienna.


Thursday 20.10. @Ženergija on @Radio Orange from 7 pm to 8 pm


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