LITMAG East European Literary Magazines 1945–2004: Testing the Boundaries and Paving the Way to Democratization

Stičišče slovanskih kultur – Treffpunkt slawische Kulturen
  • LITMAG East European Literary Magazines 1945–2004: Testing the Boundaries and Paving the Way to Democratization
24:46 min
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Poučevanje slovenskega jezika v Avstriji na izobraževalni vertikali 3. del

Oddaja tematizira družbeno-zgodovinsko vlogo literarnih revij v postopku demokracjije držav za železno zaveso, ki jo obravnava mednarodni projekt LITMAG: East European Literary Magazines 1945–2004: Testing the Boundaries and Paving the Way to Democratization, ki ga koordinira založba Beletrina iz Ljubljane. O projektu spregovorijo Maja Papič iz Beletrina, Irena Ribič in Marko Štepec iz Muzeja novejše in sodobne zgodovine, pa idejni vodja projekta Mitja Čander, direktor Beletrine.

The radio show focuses on the socio-historical role of literary magazines in the process of democratization of the countries behind the Iron Curtain, which is the subject of the international project LITMAG: East European Literary Magazines 1945-2004: Testing the Boundaries and Paving the Way to Democratisation, coordinated by the Beletrina publishing house in Ljubljana. The project is discussed by Maja Papič from Beletrina, Irena Ribič and Marko Štepec from the National Museum of Contemporary History, and the project’s mastermind Mitja Čander, director of Beletrina.

Intervjuji in postprodukcija / Interviews and postproduction: Agnieszka Będkowska-Kopczyk

Glasba / Music: Cowander, Willy Fog,

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