

To log in at https://de.cba.media, click on "Login" at the top right.
Enter your username and password in the pop-up, you will then be forwarded to the administration area.

There you can create podcasts and posts, call up statistics on them and edit your user profile.

You can change your password in the "User profile" menu item.


Before you can start publishing your files, you have to do two one-time steps:

Step 1: Sign the user agreement

After the first login you see the user agreement. Read it carefully and enter your details so that you can use the platform.

Step 2: Add a podcast

Add a podcast in the menu item "Podcasts".

Describe your podcast and add an image to make it more visible.

Publish posts

First upload your media content (audio files, videos, images, documents, etc.) to the server under "Upload file". To publish a file, click the "Publish" button. Fill out the form that appears. You can also attach other files to your post. Once you have filled out all fields, click on "Publish" and your contribution is online.

Edit published posts

Here you will then find a list of your already published contributions. You can change and add to these later.


You can find detailed information on how to use cba at https://de.cba.media/help.

At https://de.cba.media/faq we answer frequently asked questions. If something is still unclear, simply contact us directly at office@cba.media.

If you have any questions or problems, you can always contact us by email: office@cba.media

Share your podcast and its feed

Each podcast automatically has a page and an RSS Feed. Once you have created the podcast, these URLs appears in the "Overview" menu item. Share them with your listeners to make your podcast popular!


After logging in, you first get to an overview page, which gives you access to your personal statistics and to completed feedback questionnaires. Latter ones provide (if they are filled out) information about the intended use of contributions you have uploaded.